Saturday, February 24, 2007

Section 2 International Show- Exhibition and Works

Choose an artwork in International Show that is interesting for you, what does it mean for you, and what do you think it explores? Explain the reasons for your choice to your group.

Identify the critical narratives inherent in the work of two artists on display and the curatorial practice at the International Show?

How do artworks in the exhibition fit the curatorial concept of International Show?

Examine and research two artworks in International Show.

Do you think the curatorial concept helps or hinders your understanding of each individual work? Discuss.

International Show presents a limited group artist mainly from the Nordic countries. List the positive and negative aspect of limitation of national representation.

Is it important showing art from different countries to audiences in Trondheim, Norway? Discuss.

Locate reviews by art critics about International Show. Summarise the key arguments made by each critic. Discuss.

Compare and contrast International Shows venue with museum institutions, other art institutions: such as Trondheim Art Museum, Center for Contermporary Art, Gallery Babel, Gallery KIT, Gallery Blunk, Gallery 7011, Public Art Spaces. List the positive and negative aspects of each venue; for example staffing, possibilities of types of artworks, etc, including the decision for particular venues to display performance-based works. Consider materials used in works inside buildings compared with a work displayed outside - what are some conservation issues concerning each work?

Think about the work of a number of contemporary international artists that interest you. Develop a curatorial framework for an exhibition that would be presented at International Show 2007 venue. Further research the work of five artists. Be sure to select a range of artists’ practice such as performance, photography, sculpture, digital media, performance or painting. Present your exhibition concept to the group using PowerPoint. Using 200 words or less, explain the overarching ideas that connect the works.

More information concerning the exhibition will be available at

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