Saturday, February 24, 2007

Section 3 Future of International Show

International Show 2009? Imagine you have been invited to curate the next International Show 2009 in Trondheim. Use the Structural and Cultural Frames to nominate your choice of at least five artists from anywhere in the world and their works. Write a 200 word brief that outlines the concept and/or themes for the show you believe would be important to curate.

Imagine you have been engaged as a web designer for International Show 2009, design a website. Imagine you have been engaged as a graphic designer for International Show 2009, design an A4 page spread for an artist of your choice that includes a 300 word essay, a 100 word biography and at least two images. Effects of International Show in the city of Trondheim, Norway?

Analyse some of the effects of International Show being scheduled every two years within the city of Trondheim and the region of Trøndelag. Discuss with your peers the implications for the economy, culture and tourism, as well as environmental aspects across the region.

More information concerning the exhibition will be available at

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